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Collaborative Communication Group

Conflict Resolution at Work


Collaborative Communication

Learning how to both honor your own needs, and the needs of others - this is my main focus in helping clients navigate conflict at work.  Using both courage and compassion, we  can uncover, explore, and resolve our underlying concerns in order to intentionally create the healthy, collaborative work relationships that we all want. We do this by learning how to express ourselves in ways that others can hear. We can get through this.

One word at a time.

Still Life

Team Turmoil 

Sometimes it's challenging working on teams - different leadership and working styles, role ambiguity, and scarce resources are just a few of the challenges teams face. Learn how to improve both productivity and work relationships.

Resolving Interpersonal Conflicts

Healthy relationships among leadership, peers, and subordinates are crucial for organizational effectiveness. Hey, we're all human; sometimes challenges can pop up, leading to miscommunication at best, and a full relationship breakdown at worst. Repairing and enhancing work relationships will lead to higher productivity, committment, and engagement.


Leaders often need support managing conflict both within and across their teams. One-on-one coaching provides a confidential environment in which to explore and implement strategies to effectively manage challenging relationships and situations.

Providing Alternatives to Lawsuits

Lawsuits can not only unnecessarily drain valuable time and resources but also cause considerable emotional damage as well. Go a different route by leveraging mediation, one-on-one's and shuttle negotiation to achieve a much more cost effective and mutually satisfactory result.

"10% of conflict is due to difference in opinion

and 90% is due to wrong tone of voice." 
                          Via Mariz                                 

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